WooCommerce Default Shortcodes
WooCommerce includes several built-in shortcodes for you to display your products. With Avada’s custom styles, they really help your products stand out. This is the Recent Products shortcode that allows you to insert your products by category on any page. Adjust column size, items per page, order by format.
WooCommerce Recent Products
Display products you’ve recently added to WooCommerce. This shortcode automatically pulls your products for you. Exclude or include categories, specify how many items will be displayed, and change the order by format and type. This shortcode is 100% fully responsive.
WooCommerce Featured Products
Display featured products you’ve marked as starred in the WooCommerce settings.This shortcode automatically pulls your products for you. Exclude or include categories, specify how many items will be displayed, and change the order by format and type. This shortcode is 100% fully responsive.
WooCommerce Product Categories
Display all or some of your categories to your viewers. This shortcode allows you to display a category box and a number that shows how many products are in that category.
Accesorios (13)
Accesorios (3)
Accesorios (5)
Agitadores (4)
Bandeja combo (2)
Bandeja de expandido (6)
Bandeja finger food (5)
Bandejas de aluminio y tapas (5)
Bandejas de carton (14)
Bandejas de plastico con tapa bisagra (5)
Bandejas de plastico inyectadas (2)
Bandejas de plastico y tapas (ps y pp) (10)
Bandejas Potes y Platos (101)
Blondas (1)
Bolsa camiseta (3)
Bolsa de arranque (5)
Bolsa de consorcio (8)
Bolsa de fondo cuadrado (4)
Bolsa de papel con fuelle lateral (15)
Bolsa de Polipropileno (4)
Bolsa fondo cuadrado con manija impresa (2)
Bolsas (5)
Bolsas y Sobres (46)
Bowls y tapas (3)
Caja de expandido para vianda (3)
Caja multiuso (12)
Cajita Wok (3)
Compoteras de plastico inyectadas (1)
Contenedores de expandido y tapas (2)
Copas de Plástico Inyectadas (13)
Cubiertos (28)
Cubiertos (6)
Cubiertos Ensobrados (2)
Cubre vasos (3)
Cucharas (7)
Cuchillos (3)
Eco Friendly (111)
Estuche infantil (3)
Film de PVC (4)
Indumentaria gastronómica (7)
Línea Express (7)
Maletín (4)
Manteles Individuales (5)
Packaging (66)
Packaging (58)
Papel de Alta Densidad (2)
Papel de Aluminio (4)
Papel folex (2)
Papel Parafinado (2)
Papel Sulfito Blanco (6)
Plástico Blancos (7)
Plástico Cristal (1)
Plástico Cristal Escalonado (9)
Plástico cristal traslúcido (8)
Plástico Inyectado (13)
Platos (4)
Platos de expandido (5)
Platos de papel (4)
Platos de plastico (5)
Platos de plastico con divisiones (3)
Platos de plastico inyectados (2)
Pocillos de Plástico (3)
Polipapel para Caliente (25)
Polipapel para Frío (10)
Porta creps (1)
Porta hamburguesa (2)
Porta lomitos (2)
Porta Paletas (1)
Porta pancho (2)
Porta papas (11)
Porta pochoclo (4)
Porta porción de pizza (1)
Porta porcion de torta (2)
Porta vaso (5)
Porta Wraps (1)
Potes (7)
Potes de expandido para helado (3)
Potes de papel para helado y tapas (12)
Potes de plastico para helado y tapas (8)
Potes de plastico y tapas (9)
Serv. Ecológicas (5)
Serv. Ecológicas (5)
Servilletas (7)
Servilletas, manteles y papeles de envoltorio (48)
Servilleteros (5)
Sobre especiales (5)
Sorbetes (3)
Tenedores (8)
Toallas y Rollos (6)
Vasos (20)
Vasos de Expandido (3)
Vasos de papel de bebida caliente (15)
Vasos de papel de bebida fría (5)
Vasos, tapas, copas y complementos (86)
WooCommerce Products By SKU/ID
This shortcode allows you to display products based on SKU or ID, and it can be used in any size column and the size will adapt.
WooCommerce Products By Category
This is the Products By Category shortcode that allows you to insert your products by category on any page. Adjust column size, items per page, order by format.
Complete Set of Options
Every option and description included with the alert shortcode is listed below.
- type – Can be one of these values: general, error, success, notice, or custom. Sets the type of alert message.
- accent_color – Custom setting only. Accepts a hexcode ( #000000 ). Sets the border, text and icon color.
- background_color – Custom setting only. Accept a hexcode ( #000000 ). Sets the background color.
- border_size – Custom setting only. Accepts a pixel value. For example, 1px. Sets border width.
- icon – A font awesome icon value. For example, fa-glass.
- box_shadow – Can be one of these values: yes, or no. This will show or hide a box shadow below the alert box.
- animation_type – Can be one of these values: none, bounce, fade, flash, shake, or slide. Sets the animation to use on the shortcode.
- animation_direction – Can be one of these values: down, right, left, or up. Sets the incoming direction for the animation.
- animation_speed – Accepts a numerical value from .1, which is the slowest, to 1, which is the fastest.
- class – Add a custom class to the wrapping HTML element for further css customization.
- id – Add a custom id to the wrapping HTML element for further css customization.